Thursday, June 16, 2011

How To Avoid Serious Health Problems With Healthy Eating

It is now a new year and your summer wear may be some what tighter than last year, what do you do? Perhaps you can start by avoiding the foods you have eaten that may have contributed to your current weight crises. This gelatinous fat that is wrapped around the belly, hips and waist is usually gained by eating foods high in fat, sodium, sugar and by being sedentary. There are thousands of people like you across the country that may have gained some weight, while others will gain more. The obesity problem is on the rise along with health problems often associated with this type of unhealthy and rampant eating of greasy fried fast foods.

These foods high in sodium, trans and saturated fats and are the worst kind of foods that you can put into your body. It's not uncommon too see parents with their children lining up to order these foods that are just not healthy. Society, it seems would rather ignore the impact on what these foods have done to thousands of people each year that end up with clogged arteries, high cholesterol and diabetes. The fast food advertisements have done a wonderful job on promoting their food products to the masses with out any guilt and have failed to mention the serious health problems that will eventually develop from these tantalizing foods that are laced with food additives, preservatives, sodium, sugar and fats.

Losing weight can be done realistically by eating clean and with foods that are fresh, natural, nutritious and wholesome. And adding an exercise program may help you to accelerate the fat loss process. You have options on how you may want to lose weight, the first is with a dietician and the other is a certified trainer. Just remember that if you decide to take this route, it will definitely put a dent in your pocket book. The other option you can take is to find an exercise program suited to your personal goals, metabolism and go it alone or have a friend join you in your endeavor to lose weight and start eating healthy foods . By inviting a close friend, it will help when you are having a weak moment and are not inclined to follow through with your goal of losing weight.

Your weight loss plan should include a proper balance of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber, whole grains, vegetables and plenty of water. You can also add chicken, beef, fish and pork to help you to provide sufficient protein intake for your body. Make sure the chicken, beef and pork are lean cuts and you can find many other ways to prepare these foods. Be sure you avoid the sodium and find other alternatives for seasoning and flavoring. You can take control of your health by altering how you eat, having portion control and following an exercise program. Make the commitment to a long life of good health with clean eating and exercise, instead of joining the rest to a life that may be plagued with serious health problems in the future.

Click here for more information

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