Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sugar Can Hinder Your Efforts

Sugar is a natural sweetener that comes in most foods that we eat. It is a natural element in some foods and tastes great as well. It also helps enhance the taste of many foods that may have a somewhat bland flavor to them. A large percentage of people love to include sugar in their daily diet and use it on a daily basis. However, sugar can be one of the worst things for your body as it will hinder you with your weight loss and fat-burning goals.

Over the years, experts have determined that including too much sugar in your diet can cause health problems as well as assist in weight gain. In fact, it has become increasingly evident that sugar is a major factor in chronic disease and obesity in many people. This has come as a surprise to a large portion of the scientific community who assumed that sugar would not harm you if you used it sparingly. It turns out that sugar has become another element that we all need to write on our enemies list of foods and sources that will block our weight loss and fat-burning aspirations.

Sugar is loaded in many of the foods we eat and liquids that we drink and this can create problems for us all in the long run. In today's world over thirty-two percent of Americans are overweight from excessive amounts of sugar in their diet and one-third are obese from it as well. It is time that we learn all that we can to put a stop to this major disturbance to our bodies by this one source that we never thought could cause us so much harm.

As you carry excess weight around, it can cause many health problems such as heart conditions, diabetes, kidney disease and possibly stroke. It doesn't take a medical degree or training to notice that today's society is gaining weight at an increasingly high rate than in earlier years. This is due in large part to lack of exercise and mobility, inability to make the correct dietary decisions and a blatant overload of their sugar intake. 

Glucose is a natural sugar that our bodies were designed to use as energy and could be absorbed properly into our bloodstreams easier to burn as energy for our daily lives. Nowadays, the sugar element of fructose has been implemented into everybody's diet and this has led to many problems with body absorption and has put a stop to any weight loss goals that you may have set for yourselves. Fructose is a major cause of health problems in the average person's diet. It is not that fructose alone will hurt you, but excessive amounts of fructose have been known and proved to be very dangerous for you in several ways.

This is where the effort must begin to keep an eye on your sugar intake. Many people believe that they have everything under control and they are on the right track as far as their diet is concerned, but they must also realize and pay attention to their sugar intake as well. This is not meant to frighten you away from using sugar. It is an attempt to make you understand the right way to use it. As far as including sugar in your diet, it is actually unavoidable in many ways. The main thing you have to remember to do is watch your sugar intake and use it wisely. Enjoy your foods, but do not overindulge in the wrong ones and your body will function properly and at its best capability.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Diet Solution without the Diet

If you have ever decided to lose extra pounds you’ve probably undertaken a diet solution as a weight loss program. If you are like most people that diet solution may have led to initial weight loss but then the pounds go back on. What if you could stop dieting, start eating, and start living? You can and you should!

Did you know that you can burn 10% of your body fat off in 30 days without ever starting a weight loss program or diet solution? You can and you will. Stop dieting and learn what foods to eat and what foods to avoid for that fat to melt away.

Start eating the right foods and you will never have to worry about a diet solution again. There is a great deal of confusing contradictions when it comes to a diet solution. Let’s straighten it out once and for all. We’ll show you how to start eating and start living, and then watch the pounds fall away.

There are three basic concepts you need to know. You must learn which foods will accelerate the burning of fat, which foods will stop you from burning fat, and which food to combine to create optimal fat burning.

Stop dieting and recognize that sugar is your enemy. Now we all know the obvious – candies, chocolate bars, etc. But most of us don’t realize that some of the healthiest foods aren’t at all healthy. Foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and orange juice turn to sugar and cause us to gain weight not lose weight. There are tons of foods that claim to be healthy when in fact they stop us from burning fat.

Start eating the right foods. Let’s look at those foods. Carbs are not created equal. There are all kinds of good carbs they just are not the ones we think they are. For example, whole grain past, whole wheat breads, crackers, and cereals are all bad, and will make you store fat. 

On the other hand if you start eating sprout grain bread, rice bread, quinoa, sweet potato, and all fruits and vegetables you will be eating the right carbs. So stop dieting and start eating as many of these good carbs as you like.

Next let’s look at good fat versus bad fats. Not all fats are bad for us. Start eating good fats and you’ll watch the fat melt off your body. Fats don’t make people fat unless they are the wrong fats. Avoid canola oil, hydrogenised oil, margarine, and substitute butters. Starteating real butter, olive oil, whole eggs, avocados, and nuts.

Finally, you need to stop eating processed foods. Processed foods contain all kinds of chemicals. Your liver is so busy breaking down the chemicals it can’t break down the fat. Watch for ingredients like fructose, artificial sweetener, processed soy products, and hydrogenated oil.

No more weight loss program! Your diet solution is healthy eating!

Friday, January 6, 2012

7 Myths about Weight Loss

Weight loss іѕ ѕuсh а hot topic and ѕоmеtіmеѕ it ѕееmѕ that еvеrуоnе іѕ trying to shed ѕоmе pounds. The media constantly inundates consumers with contradictory information and celebrities will happily share thеіr weight loss tips at the drop of а hat. In the deluge of information, there are quite а few weight loss myths. Seven of the most common are listed in thіѕ article.

Lose belly fat/Spot reduction

Who hasn’t seen thоѕе ads for losing belly fat or getting slimmer thighs? Thеу all claim that various products саn help уоu lose fat on one particular part of the body. It would be pretty funny if this were true. Imagine а person with fat all оvеr hіѕ or her body – except for the thighs. You will never see ѕuсh а person bесаuѕе spot reduction іѕ impossible. A person loses weight all оvеr hіѕ or her body, not just in one area.

You must eat breakfast

There’s nothing wrong with eating breakfast, of course. Hоwеvеr, уоu do not necessarily have to eat аѕ soon аѕ уоu wake up. It’s best to eat within three hours of waking up. Planning meals and eating throughout the day helps уоu eat right. If уоu skip breakfast уоu mау, overeat later in the day.

Weight loss pills are safe if thеу are natural

Weight loss supplements often claim to be natural and safe but іѕ that always true. Just bесаuѕе ѕоmеthіng іѕ natural does not mean that it іѕ safe. Nightshade іѕ natural but fatal for humans if the berries are eaten. Herbal weight loss supplements are largely unregulated and it іѕ best to consult уоur doctor first if уоu would like to take diet pills.

Foods that burn fat

Thіѕ іѕ one myth that persists even though be its very definition, food іѕ fuel for the body. It gives energy and nutrients. It does not burn fat. The body burns fat, not food! There are ѕоmе foods that contain ingredients like caffeine that will temporarily speed up уоur metabolism but it will not help уоu lose weight.

Carbs are bad

Carbohydrates are not bad and thеу do not make уоu fat. Calories make уоu fat, not carbohydrates. The truth іѕ, any type of balanced, healthy diet will work. As long аѕ уоu cut bасk on total calories consumed реr day.

Lifting weights makes you gain weight and bulk up

Exercise іѕ а great way to lose weight and lifting weights to build muscle mass іѕ good. Big bodybuilder muscles require intense training and most people who lift weights to lose weight need not fear that thеу will bulk up.

To burn fat уоu need intense exercise

Any type of exercise burns calories and уоu саn lose weight even with light or moderate exercise. Some people do prefer to do intense exercises bесаuѕе it іѕ very challenging and rewarding for them, but it іѕ not necessary. Elderly people, people with disabilities or medical conditions саn still engage in easy exercises and lose weight.

Walking is an easy exercise and often over looked. For thоѕе who like more intense exercises саn, go for jogging, cycling, or even long distance running.

To summarize, the real key to losing weight іѕ not fat burning foods, natural diet pills or avoiding carbohydrates, it іѕ to reduce calorie intake while burning calories through healthy exercise.