Friday, January 20, 2012

The Diet Solution without the Diet

If you have ever decided to lose extra pounds you’ve probably undertaken a diet solution as a weight loss program. If you are like most people that diet solution may have led to initial weight loss but then the pounds go back on. What if you could stop dieting, start eating, and start living? You can and you should!

Did you know that you can burn 10% of your body fat off in 30 days without ever starting a weight loss program or diet solution? You can and you will. Stop dieting and learn what foods to eat and what foods to avoid for that fat to melt away.

Start eating the right foods and you will never have to worry about a diet solution again. There is a great deal of confusing contradictions when it comes to a diet solution. Let’s straighten it out once and for all. We’ll show you how to start eating and start living, and then watch the pounds fall away.

There are three basic concepts you need to know. You must learn which foods will accelerate the burning of fat, which foods will stop you from burning fat, and which food to combine to create optimal fat burning.

Stop dieting and recognize that sugar is your enemy. Now we all know the obvious – candies, chocolate bars, etc. But most of us don’t realize that some of the healthiest foods aren’t at all healthy. Foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and orange juice turn to sugar and cause us to gain weight not lose weight. There are tons of foods that claim to be healthy when in fact they stop us from burning fat.

Start eating the right foods. Let’s look at those foods. Carbs are not created equal. There are all kinds of good carbs they just are not the ones we think they are. For example, whole grain past, whole wheat breads, crackers, and cereals are all bad, and will make you store fat. 

On the other hand if you start eating sprout grain bread, rice bread, quinoa, sweet potato, and all fruits and vegetables you will be eating the right carbs. So stop dieting and start eating as many of these good carbs as you like.

Next let’s look at good fat versus bad fats. Not all fats are bad for us. Start eating good fats and you’ll watch the fat melt off your body. Fats don’t make people fat unless they are the wrong fats. Avoid canola oil, hydrogenised oil, margarine, and substitute butters. Starteating real butter, olive oil, whole eggs, avocados, and nuts.

Finally, you need to stop eating processed foods. Processed foods contain all kinds of chemicals. Your liver is so busy breaking down the chemicals it can’t break down the fat. Watch for ingredients like fructose, artificial sweetener, processed soy products, and hydrogenated oil.

No more weight loss program! Your diet solution is healthy eating!

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