Friday, April 1, 2011

Dieting – What Is The Ideal Method For Fat Loss?

It seems like more and more fitness gurus are coming out of the wood work and showing us what foods we need to eat in avoiding weight gain and foods that contain fat burning properties. We are constantly being bombarded with information on which diets to follow and exercises that can spot reduce fat in areas of the body. I'm sure you are feeling over whelmed and just as confused with all this information. Reducing or eliminating fat on your body is achievable and realistic with time and sweat. So, what is the ideal method for fat loss?

It is somewhat boring when it comes to searching or finding the right exercise plan or diet to work in harmony with your metabolism and body. But you can find the ideal plan that is suited to your body's needs and your personal objectives, which is to lose body fat and keep it off for good.

If your objective is to lose body fat then you will need to change your diet and exercise regularly. Exercise is a must in order for you to lose any amount of body fat. You will need to cut out foods and drinks that will not help you in achieving the fit and lean look. Alcohol is a no-no and all junk food and anything with sugar is to be avoided as this will definitely sabotage your attempt in trying to lose body fat. Foods that will help you in losing fat are a must and should be a part of your new healthy eating lifestyle. Be sure you keep your body hydrated with water and try not to have soft drinks with sugar. It is important that you feed you body when feeling hungry and rest when tired.

Exercising to lose weight along with walking, swimming, bowling or whatever activity you find interesting should provide you with enough calorie burning exercise to slowly shed the fat from your waist and middle section, be sure you feed your body the proper foods that will provide energy to keep your body and metabolism going. Foods with vitamins, minerals and proper amounts of protein and fiber will suffice to feed your body the nutrients needed to keep the mind and body fit and healthy.

Make exercise fun and enjoyable and not a task that has to be done, pace yourself and set aside sufficient time for yourself to get the full benefits from your workout. With regular exercise this will also relieve the stress from the daily pressures of family and work. You will notice that you are beginning to sleep better as you get into a routine of eating right and exercising regularly. If you find yourself hitting a plateau, simply add other exercises to confuse the body, simple exercises such as push ups, chin ups and a variety of fun exercises will aid you in losing fat.

Doctor Ali Zentner who states that 5-6 tiny meals are no better than the 3 regular meals. She goes on to say that most diets fail at the beginning, middle and the end, they fail to get to the real issue and problems of losing weight. She also states that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This will cause some controversy when it comes to most diet plans and may cause more confusion than provide any clear answers that one seeks to find for losing weight.

Find a diet and exercise plan that will work with your body and metabolism. Pay attention to what your body is telling you, get a journal to help you in where you may need to alter your eating or exercising. Most importantly, do not get discouraged or quit.

The goal is yours to reach and can be done with patience and persistence, imagine the feeling of joy and happiness when you have achieved your goal of a fit, healthy and lean body.

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