Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Healthy Foods - Complex Carbohydrates Chemistry

An important key to controlling the way you want your body to look is to have a clear understanding of the simple chemistry of any food that you consume. Learning and understanding on how food can affect the body will help you to reprogram your body’s metabolism and keep your ideal body weight at any level you desire for the rest of your days. To do this there are three categories of foods and each plays an integral role in helping your body to effectively lose weight.

Carbohydrates will break down to sugar and provide fuel for the body, muscles and this group includes fruits, vegetables and grains. These grains are regularly found in bread and pasta.

Protein is an important factor for regular maintenance of muscle tissue, hair and the vital organs in your body. The proteins needed for your body can be found in fish, meat and poultry.

Fat is essential to controlling your metabolic rate and vital systems in your body and this can be found in nuts, dairy and animal fat such as beef, poultry and pork products.

The above mentioned play an important role in a weight loss program and so you must try to understand what each category can and will do in keeping your body fit and healthy. In this article we will focus our attention on carbohydrates as these are often misunderstood and the information will clearly detail the benefits and the role carbohydrates play in a weight loss program.

Simple carbohydrates are foods that will increase your weight and add inches to your belly and waist and these are foods laced with sugar such as fruit juice, soft drinks or any other product labeled as being fat free. These sugars will often cause a spike to your insulin levels and tells your body to store the calories you consume instead of burning them as energy. This spike can often slow your metabolism and may lead to stopping your body from burning the fat and prevent any weight loss.

Complex carbohydrates on the other hand are beneficial in weight loss and the list of foods are potatoes, rice and oatmeal. The opposite can be said for beans, corn and pastas.

It is important that you include the right carbohydrates to lose weight and include the right food groups in your weight loss plan. If you ignore the body's needs for carbohydrates, your body will essentially turn to its muscle tissue for energy and you will lose muscle instead of the fat. When the body feeds off from the muscle it is called catabolism and may cause the body to shut down.

Carbohydrates are vital to keeping the body functioning and is what fuels the muscles, body and help you to lose weight. The best choice for losing weight is the complex carbohydrates and should include an exercise program to go hand in hand with your diet plan.

What ever plan you decide to follow in losing weight be sure that you clearly understand what each category plays in your healthy weight loss plan and be sure to visit your physician before attempting any weight loss or exercise program.
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