First order of business in the morning is to have breakfast and your body does need food in order for you to function and your metabolism will turn these calories into energy. The body can go for several hours without food and in order for the metabolism to start the burning process it has to have fuel. Have something that has nutritional value like oatmeal which can keep you full until your next meal and if you feel the need for snacking, why not pack some fruit to tie you over until lunch. Do not deprive your body of the most important meal of the day.
Do not avoid eating or try to starve your body in order for you to lose weight, food is not the enemy, it is portion control and eating the proper foods that can assist your body to lose body fat. When choosing foods to go hand in hand with a weight loss plan, your plan should have nutritional balance and include an exercise program that will help you to lose inches off your waist, hips and belly. Foods that may be included with your weight loss plan should be of nutritional value such as the right amount of carbohydrates, fruit, fish, protein and vegetables.
Try and avoid fruits juices as these contain sugar and can contribute to excess weight and the other is sodium as this can cause your body to retain water. It is important to remember that these two can cause you to get negative results and would be in your best interest to find alternatives to seasoning your foods. Instead of drinking juices, why not drink water when thirsty and water will definitely do a better job of helping your body to lose the fat. The body needs water and does a wonderful job of transporting important nutrients in your body.
Make no mistake that your body does need fat, but the healthy kind of fat that will aid your body in nutrient absorption. These fats are omega 3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats in very small amounts for your health. The bad ones to avoid are trans and saturated fats. The next time your in a grocery store make sure you read the labels as most food items may have a low-fat or fat-free label. You can bet that most will have sodium, sugar, fat and should not be included in your grocery list.
The best way to avoid foods that contain sugar, sodium and the bad fats is to prepare food ahead of time that can help you to stay on your plan of losing weight and to remember that maintaining balance in nutrition and exercise is the key to being successful in your weight loss goals.
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