Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Healthy Looking Skin With Diet And Exercsie

What would it take to have the perfect looking skin? Many have dreams about having the perfect blemish and acne free complexion. However, we seem to view ourselves in a different perspective when it comes to our own unique features and always seem to find the littlest imperfection. The good news is that there are ways to avoid and treat common skin problems by paying attention to how and what we eat.

What it boils down to is you are what you eat and we tend to ignore what we eat which results in problems like oily skin. By having a well balanced diet this may be the best way to get your share of good food for healthy skin. Specific foods need to be included in a diet to bring back the healthy glow to your skin.

Vitamin a is an important nutrient to maintaining good skin health. You can find this from none or low-fat dairy products. The health of our skin cells depends on how much vitamin a we include in our diet. Be sure to take this vitamin in the proper amount and if you are not sure, contact or visit a physician for any further advice.

Besides dairy products, fruits and vegetables are also good for the skin and have antioxidants that protect the cells from free radicals.

Fatty acids such as Omega-3 are healthy oils, which can be included in a diet for good-looking skin. By adding oils in the proper amount with a diet, this helps to promote good-looking skin and gives you the youthful look that many so desire.

Plant foods with sources of selenium include nuts, Brazil nuts, and walnuts. Selenium is in some meats, seafood, fish and bread. Selenium is also very important to the body's immune system and helps to prevent damage to the cells that may cause chronic diseases.

Green Tea has ingredients that are good for the skin. It has antioxidant properties, protects the cells, and may even help prevent or reduce the risk of serious illnesses.

The exact amount of water you should drink is usually around eight glasses per day in order for you to keep hydrated throughout the day. Water will also help you to flush out any toxins from your body. When we perspire, it helps us to keep the skin clean and clear.

No skin care solutions or treatments can replace a healthy diet along with regular exercise. The healthier we eat the better our skin will look.
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